Stig’s research – Health and Lifestyle

You can learn more about Stig’s research and publications in the area of health and lifestyle here. Click on the links below to read more.
Choose right carbohydrates and right fats 2. Dietary intake of AGEs and ALEs and Inflammation – Nutritional Aspects
Dietary intake of AGEs and ALEs and Inflammation – Nutritional Aspects
Inflammation and Microbiotia and Gut Reconditioning
Gut microbiota, immune development and function
Modified amino acid-based molecules – accumulation and health implications
Inhibitory effect of curcumin on early liver regeneration following partial hepatectomy in rats
Lactic acid bactera and plant fibers – treatment in acute and chronic human disease
AGE, ALE, RAGE, and disease – A food perspective
Control of systemic inflammation and chronic diseases – the use of turmeric and curcuminoids
Advanced glycation and lipoxidation end products – amplifiers of inflammation – the role of food
Vår tids kost bakom inflammation och sjukdomsutveckling
Plant-derived health-effects of turmeric and curcumenoids