Stigs forskning – Helse og Livsstil
Her kan du ta del i Stigs forskning og publikasjoner innenfor området helse og livsstil. Klikk på den gjeldende lenken nedenfor for å lese mer.
Choose right carbohydrates and right fats 2. Dietary intake of AGEs and ALEs and Inflammation – Nutritional Aspects
Dietary intake of AGEs and ALEs and Inflammation – Nutritional Aspects
Inflammation and Microbiotia and Gut Reconditioning
Gut microbiota, immune development and function
Modified amino acid-based molecules – accumulation and health implications
Inhibitory effect of curcumin on early liver regeneration following partial hepatectomy in rats
Lactic acid bactera and plant fibers – treatment in acute and chronic human disease
AGE, ALE, RAGE, and disease – A food perspective
Control of systemic inflammation and chronic diseases – the use of turmeric and curcuminoids
Advanced glycation and lipoxidation end products – amplifiers of inflammation – the role of food